Český bridžový svaz

  • Email: ucbs@seznam.cz
  • Číslo účtu ČBS: 51-0689240257/0100
  • IČO: 00443000
  • Různé
  • Zveřejněno 9. února 2017
  • Milan Macura

World Wide Bridge Contest

WBF organizuje další ročník celosvětového simultáního turnaje. Přihlásit se mohou všechny kluby s poplatkem 1,80 EUR za hráče. Vítězové každého z 8 turnajů se kvalifikují do finále, které se odehraje v Číně. Účastníci finále budou mít zaplacen pobyt i cestu a šanci na získání podílu na prize poolu 20 000$. 
Více informací po rozkliknutí článku

The 2017 World Wide Bridge Contest
Everything is now in place for the 2017 World Wide Bridge Contest, and it is even more exciting ! This year there are eight Simultaneous Pairs tournaments and the prize for the overall winning pairs is amazing ... a 3-day final in Beijing with a prize fund of $20,000 !
There are heats on
Tuesday 28 March & Thursday 30 March 
Tuesday 25th April & Thursday 27th April 
Monday 8th May & Wednesday 10th May 
Friday 2nd June & Saturday 3rd June
All the details are at : http://www.ecatsbridge.com/sims/wwbc/default.asp - clubs can, of course play in one, two, three - even in all of them if they wish!
The entry fee remains unchanged from 2017 at just US$2, £1.50 GBP or €1.80 per player per event.
Everything is sent by email for this event, to keep the costs down, so there are no printed booklets.
These World events help by raising funds for the development of Youth Bridge and the WBF has now appointed a Youth Bridge Development Officer, Gilad Ofir, to oversee the work being undertaken in this field. Gilad will be using the funds raised to assist NBOs directly with teacher training, teaching programs, as well as organising special events for young players and thus helping to ensure that the future of bridge is a bright one.
Please help us to ensure the success of these events by informing your clubs and members about them and encouraging them to participate – we believe they would find it both enjoyable and challenging and would have great fun! Ask them to contact me with the dates they wish to play and I will send them the material by email.
With best regards

Děkujeme partnerům za podporu propagace bridže, organizace soutěží a účasti našich reprezentantů na mezinárodních turnajích.

Staňte se i Vy naším partnerem! Podpořit můžete libovolný projekt, turnaj či skupinu hráčů. 

Národní sportovní agentura
Moravskoslezký kraj
Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy
Česká Asociace Univerzitního Sportu
TENAK holdings